This article will
show how to start off a conversation with Business stake holders
around the concepts of CI (Continuous Integration [1]) / CD
(Continuous Delivery [2]).
CI/CD can be a difficult concept to relay
due to the amount of infrastructure and set-up that is required to
get it going. Stake-holders can often baulk at the ask on
start-up time and cost that this can incur.
Of course there are
plenty of metrics and articles out there that explain how in fact
these Agile approaches in the mid-to-long term reduce cost
and time to market. But this requires heavy reading validation by the Business
To avoid a dulling of eyes and a loss of focus from your
stake holders you need to get fast buy in, using language they
Fortunately plenty
of Business users are familiar with the concept of using
Straight-Through Processing [3] to automate away many of the problems
they have. This approach has been used quite extensively within the
financial services industry and beyond. It is a proven technique.
Thus the start of
conversation will often go like so:
"Have you heard of Straight-Through Processing?"
Customer nods head
"Well Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery is the techie-talk for what you would call Straight-Through Quality"
At this point using
the concept of STQ (Straight-Through Quality [4]), it should now be a
lot easier to explain some of the more fundamental Business benefits
of CI/CD to to get their buy-in. Slowly proving these side-by-side
with the multitude of metrics and endorsements you can obtain from
all over the net.
Yes it's as simple
as that. Once you speak their language they then have a reference
point to baseline all the future conversations you have with them on
CI/CD. As in the end to them its STQ.
Below is an example application of STQ using CD to shorten the delivery time [5]:
Agile Link:
STQ is also present
on my Agile Development Poster [6] where the output is the Quality
Enhanced Delivery. Which also links nicely into the first Agile
manifesto principal of:
"Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software." [7]
I have rarely seen a
lack of customer satisfaction when receiving Straight-Through
[1] Continuous Integration:
[2] Continuous Delivery:
[3] Straight-Through Processing:
[4] Straight-Through Quality:
[5] Continuous Delivery Book:
[6] Agile Development Poster:
[7] Agile Manifesto Principles: